AIP Outdoor BootCamp is back in March 2017. Sign up now!
60min vs 600calorie. Are you up for the challenge?
AIP Outdoor Bootcamp
Get Fit B4 Summer Comes
60min vs 600calorie
An hour burns > than 120min of jogging
報名Sign up >>>>> 報名Click to sign up!
Course will be canceled if less than 4people
sigh up on that week before monday 8pm.
Course will be canceled if less than 4people
sigh up on that week before monday 8pm.
4 types of training theme rotation.
Medicine ball.
Battle rope
Heart rate pumping
Perfect for
>> Athletic Performances Improvement 提升運動表現
>> Great Calorie Burner 消耗卡路里
>> Total Body Muscle Builder 全身肌肉鍛鍊
>> Social Work Out 社交+運動
報名Sign up >>>>> 報名Click to sign up!
8:15pm -9:15pm
Every Tuesday
8:15pm -9:15pm
60min intense workout
Class max 20 people
Training Fee:
$150 single session
$400 monthly package for 4 classes
[ March 7]
[ March 14]
[ March 21]
[ March 28]
[April 4]
[April 11]
[April 18]
[April 25]
報名Sign up >>>>> 報名Click to sign up!
Coach Ivan:
Ivan 是一名Multi-Sport 愛好者,因不捨專注地發展一項運動,反而使他對不同的運動有所體會。從小學起接觸網球、高爾夫球,中學期間的田徑,美國大學的三項鐵人、攀石等等十多種運動,真正的造就了「周身刀」。繼三鐵後,Ivan 利用有限的時間回歸田徑並於2016年挑戰十項全能,達成心願。Ivan利用從各種運動中領悟得到的技巧,實用地指導如何更有效地控制身體,改善運動表現。2014年膽粗粗地挑戰,經苦練後完成了226公里總長的Ironman Triathlon超級三項鐵人(3.8km swim, 180km bike,42km run) 後,Ivan上了一生重要的一課,學到了畢生受用的Motto: Anything Is Possibe,並建立了AIP Fitness community。自此Ivan不斷鼓勵身邊的人挑戰自己,定下「這麼近那麼遠」的目標,並從傍協助他們一步一步向目標進發。
Founder of AnythingIsPossible Fitness(AIP), Personal Trainer Ivan Ku is an Ironman triathlete and multi-sport enthusiast, specialized in strength training, fat loss and athletic performance improvement. Ivan chose not to specialized in one sports, spending years of training in various sports has gained him versatile experience and expertise built on muscle control and body coordination. Before finishing a two day decathlon event in 2016, Ivan was hugely inspired by the life changing Ironman Triathlon experience in 2014. From struggling to swim 50 meters freestyle a year before training to the completion of 3800 meters on race day, Ivan personally was deeply influenced by Ironman’s motto “Anything Is Possible” and since adopted the philosophy and founded AIP Fitness community. AIP Fitness exists with the mission to encourage and motivate people to establish life changing goal, and help them alongside every step of the way until achievement.