*Hong Kong* [AIP Private Group Training sneak peak! Tell me your goals and we will head towards it together, every step of the way!] ***************** *香港* [AIP 私人團體訓練,集合你嘅好朋友,訂下你地嘅目標然後一齊進發!] Contact at: ku.ivan.yc@gmail.com
This is what we did last SAT: 1.) Sumo Deadlift 3 Sets__12reps__(hold at peak for 2s)__Rest 120s 2.) Lunges 3 Sets__12reps__Rest 120s 3.) Chest Adduction內收 (isometric hold) 4sets both sides__30s hold, switch to another side
{Workout Plan Sharing} #短時間全身肌肉訓練If you are short on time like I am lately, you can try this type of "Weight Lifting Circuit Workout" for some quick pumping of the muscles ;) I have lost most of my upper body muscle in the past month of so, and I am getting ready to build them up again. Without much time to workout, I am using this short circuit training to prep the muscles for the next phase.
〖Major Misconception: Skip meals to lose weight/fat〗
As soon as your body get used to you skipping meals, it sends a signal to your brain indicating you are in "famine" mode and body will begin to retain your body fat for it's perceived need.
What you should do: Eat a steady count of 3 - 5 meals every day, reaching 50-70% fullness. Your metabolic rate will improve and burn more calories and body won't cling to those fat as hard.
天氣炎熱下做運動記緊每20分鐘飲1,2啖水或運動飲品,而唔係每40分鐘飲大半樽,咁就能夠避免繼續運動時胃部不適。 **** Under the intense heat wave always remember to hydrate your body for maximum performace level, even if you are not exercising. It is recommended to sip mouthful of water every 20minutes during exercise rather than half a bottle every40 minutes.
很多朋友都有興趣知道如何改善臀部及腿部線條。這套腿部+臀部訓練動作包含9種不同的動作作為參考。 可以先分開練習每種動作,先習慣正確姿勢,然後才挑選最少四種動作連貫性地進行訓練。 由於臀部肌肉是由三組肌肉(股大肌,股中肌,股小肌)組成,所以需要不同的動作作為針對。 1. Squat 2.Hip Abduction 3.Glute Bridges 4.Lunges 5.Straight Leg Deadlift 6.Donkey Kick 7.Step Up Jumps 8.Side Hip Abduction 9. Box Jumps 對於沒有鍛鍊身體習慣的朋友,只需持續數天進行鍛鍊便可能察覺到肌肉有稍為變firm的現象,但若果目標是想擁有更圓更”翹"的PatPat,便需要更多有規劃的訓練動作持續刺激下身肌肉群組。 〖A lot of friends are interested in getting in better shape for their lower body. This routine contains 9 different types of exercise that would stimulate all three different Gluteus muscles(Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius,Gluteus Minimus). All these muscles need to be challenged so they would grow into better shape. -Do these exercise separately at first to practise the right form, then you can do at least four of these continuously or simply follow the video. 1. Squat - Must do ;) 2.Hip Abduction 3.Glute Bridges 4.Lunges 5.Straight Leg Deadlift 6.Donkey Kick 7.Step Up Jumps 8.Side Hip Abduction 9. Box Jumps For those who are new to lower body training, you might notice a slight firmness in the butt and legs after a few days of these exercise if you give it enough challenge. If you would like to continue to build a round, lifted butt then it would require a more specific workout plan which I am always welcome to share.〗